Home is the middle property, which is the third house from the left. you can make out my curving drive way...which is very long and takes a lot of rocks, that have just been renewed at the cost of about half the fare to LA, so I'll be staying home driving on my well shaped and rocked drive this year!
It has been a long hot dry summer and the dirt is dust. we have had a bit of rain and it is said by the almighty, and usually wrong, weather forecasters that we may get 6 inches over the weekend. Fingers crossed, because then I might stay inside and do more work on the computer or in the kitchen. Feijoas are ripening now so it is time for more jam. speaking of which my HUGE brown turkey fig tree has produced unbelievably this year and it is late and beautiful - a dark skin with a bright red interior that is so sweet! The wee wax eyes are going crazy in it and it is a very big tree, so this year they will get many more than I have.
Mally my dog had his toe chopped off last week after four months of infection. It was doing very well, but now I fear he has licked it or it got rubbed so I forced him to allow me to put a sock on it with a plastic bag, which I've now been told I should have done from the start, but I was only told not to let him lick it after I took the bandage off. I didn't even want to remove it since I knew it would keep it dry and clean, but I guess it had to breathe. Now we have to go to the vet AGAIN tomorrow. AAARGH!
I really really don't want it to be infected again. He's been on antibiotics nearly four months, and he's not a fan of yogurt so I don't know how to replace the good bacteria.
It's late, I'm ready for bed and have nearly completed a project I've procrastinated on for weeks, so this is it folks.
Night night and take care!