Monday, April 21, 2008

Industry and Control

We must be vigilant in our attempts to control our environment in Northland.

The minute the hedge is trimmed (most recently by new friend Debbie from the NorthTec gardening course being offered here) it starts growing again.

The beautiful raised beds are growing our vegetables well, but the weeds must also be pulled and the walking paths around the beds heavily mulched to keep the wild sorrel and other evil weeds from returning. Actually, wild sorrel is very tasty so not truly evil, but a menace and a pest where it is not wanted.

As soon as the rains come, they will take away some of the new rock recently laid by the giant digger and truck that were here on Saturday. My whole day changed when they showed up, unannounced after weeks or perhaps months, dry months, of waiting. Yes, it rained last week so the paddocks are a bit more torn up than they would have been, but never mind, the drive way is once again safe, at great expense. Some people travel and for the cost of the drive, I could be in Europe, but I'm not.

Here are a couple of photos then, for you to ponder as I head for bed!