Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Subtropical drought!

If I'd wanted to live in a desert, I could have stayed in southern California, but truly, this dry summer in Northland has been marvellous for holiday makers!

We've had virtually no rain for months - tinder try and lots of work for the Northland firefighters who are mostly volunteers, awful for farmers whose cows are hungry and thirsty, but terrific for wine makers and beach goers. The water temp is gorgeous and the local Reislings excellently quaffable.

I've had guests from Germany and France, been to concerts, the first Waipu Ride-on Mower competition and spent a lot of time watering my gardens.

I also began making sourdough bread again. When the German Journeymen carpenters complimented my bread, I knew I was on the right track!

My figs are ripening,  the apples are turning red and the feijoas are coming along - in spite of the dry - it's jam and tart time, yum!

Today is the day I begin work on the next quarterly newsletter for the Northland Region Fire Service and tonight is practice time for the Flaming Ukuleles of Waipu so I must away!

See you when you get here.... until then cheers and make today fantastic!
Hasta la vista, Sandra

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