Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stormy - Sept 21 in New Zealand

The stormy sea outside is in competition with "my three English girls" who are baking up a storm in the kitchen for tomorrow's party. We are launching my website and they are baking cheese nibbles, sesame balls, herbed cream cheese muffins and several other vegetarian treats.

In New Zealand with holiday working permits, they are on their "O.E." (overseas experience) for 8 months travel down under. I remember so well the joy of learning about new foods, vegetarianism, baking. It is great fun for me to share with them my helpful hints from my University studies in nutrition and my years gardening!

Poor girls, yesterday I had them repeating Maori names for plants and birds as well as English names:

"Kingfisher, the beautiful blue bird is? Kotuku."

"What are the yellow, orange and red flowers with edible leaves called?"

"err, uhmm"

"Nasturtiums. Say it with me, nasturtiums. Okay, let's think, nasty errr chums! Hot colours, red and orange...nasturtiums!"

"What's that large grass like plant with the iconic symbol for a flower? Flax."

"There's one that curls," Sophie said.

"Excellent...a koru or fern frond."

"And those are cabbage trees, said Lana, I can remember them because they don't look at all like cabbage."

Emma is just glad she's not driving and she is the only one of the three that do drive. Apparently, she drives very slowly. Sophie's mother has never driven since she got her driver's license. Easy in a country with mass transport. Impossible in California or New Zealand.


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